Monday, August 30, 2010

1st Day of Classes

Well ladies and gentleman, today was officially the start of the 2010-2011 school year here at Bluffton!  I have to say, I am looking forward to all of my classes this semester.  I am taking Spiritual Disciplines, The Biological World with a Lab, Principles of Accounting I, Fit for Life, and Principle of Macroeconomics.  I have a lot of reading to do, but I know I am going to enjoy all of the classes, so it won't be to bad having to read for them.  Word of advice, usually the first day of classes is just a day of going over what to expect for the semester.  Some professors will start some work, but it won't be to much, usually. haha Usually, having just a notebook and a folder with something to write with will be just fine for the first day.  Of course, I am only a sophomore, so I could be wrong when it comes to getting into the upper level courses.  Yet, for you perspective students, don't worry about having everything on the first day of classes.  You will have time to get more stuff after the first day. The bookstore is stocked with folders, notebooks, and other supplies that you may need for your classes.

Along with the first day of classes today, I also had cross country practice in the afternoon after all my classes were done.  Let's just say it was a hot day for a run.  Our team went out to the nature preserve to run because it is very shaded there.  All the girls held up pretty well to.  Our team is looking pretty good this year, and I have to say I am really excited for the season to start.  First meet is on Saturday!! :)  Now with classes started, I am getting back into the routine of balancing homework, practice, hanging out with friends, and work.  Now, work for me doesn't start until Thursday, but I know I am going to be busy this semester with everything going on.  Learning how to balance between your activities and homework is just a part of college.  It takes a couple of weeks to get into a routine, and then you'll be fine.

This week is also welcome back week.  Every night this week there is something going on on campus.  Tonight, there is shaving cream whiffle ball.  I remember last year when some of my friends where playing and one of them slipped and fell running to third base.  All of the bases are just made of shaving cream, which makes it that more exciting to play.  Tomorrow night, there is Dutch Blitz!  One of my favorite card games to play with my friends!!  Then Wednesday night is the Minute to Win It game, Thursday is a photo scavenger hunt, and Friday night there is bowling for a buck at the bowling alley here in Bluffton.  Happening all day Saturday is the Welcome Back Festival.  It's going to be a busy campus this week!

Everything is in full swing here, and I am so excited!!  :)

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